One of my favorite movies is Hidden Figures. This biographical drama film chronicles the contributions of some of the space program’s unsung heroines at a critical time in American history. Dorothy Vaughan, Katherine Johnson and Mary Jackson along with 30 or so other remarkable women did the impossible when it mattered most. A phenomenal cast including Octavia Spencer, Taraji P. Henson, Janelle Monáe, Mahershala Al, Kevin Costner and numerous other supporting actors and actresses brought an unheralded moment in history to life that has been conveniently omitted from history books.

The historical and social significance of Hidden Figures is readily apparent. As events unfold, the collaboration and resiliency of these women emerges. Fortunately, they had tremendous support from their spouses, families and friends. Yet, coping with and working through constant efforts to tear down their intellect as women, worth as humans and belief in the abilities God had given them, required them to be purposefully resilient individually and collectively day after day to survive and succeed where they were unwelcomed as women and unappreciated for their genius.

Sometime, the type of fellowship and sisterhood they shared seems all but lost. Far too often we see women portrayed in ways that highlight competitive and negative overtones toward each other. The idea that women cannot peacefully coexist is perpetuated in almost every form of media, from “reality” shows to talk shows to trolls on social media. The question is, why? Why do women feel the need to tear each other down rather than build each other up? It’s unproductive, self-defeating and negates their individual efforts to get ahead.

It is time to change the narrative back to what it once was when women could count on each other, and Dr. Angela Anderson and Candace Morgan are doing just that with their new podcast, Just Be Real Sis.

We first introduced you to “Dr. Angela” in our November/December issue. She is a leadership expert, internationally certified speaker, trainer and executive coach and the #1 international best-selling author of Now What?! Get OVER Yourself and MOVE! Although she commits herself to pouring into others, she is also quick to point out that she is supported by wonderful family and friends.

Accomplished in her own right, Candace Morgan is a 17-year tech executive at a Fortune 20 telecommunications company, where she oversees a team responsible for the multimillion-dollar accounts of many of the most recognizable companies in the world. She is a mother of 5, including a set of 14-year old triplets! How awesome is that?

Both of these professionals have learned how to manage demanding careers, while remaining devoted to the care and needs of their families. But, they didn’t do it without leaning on others who shared similar challenges.

Like the women in Hidden Figures who recognized each other’s individual talents, celebrated and supported each other; Dr. Angela and Candace Morgan acknowledge the power and benefit of working together and using their talents for collective impact. Over their 12 year friendship, they have seen each other grow as mothers, wives, and business women. They have been there for one another in struggle and in triumph. As co-hosts of Just Be Real Sis, they are ready to take what they have learned to promote positive conversations and support for other women.

These ladies have obviously tapped into something that could benefit many women today. When you speak to them, it isn’t overcomplicated or difficult. They subscribe to simple principles. They understand that all people want a few basic things. They want to be seen, heard, and valued. These two ladies are doing the work and using their voices for good. They are proof that it is possible to operate in individual and collective excellence, as you will see from their own words.

HimPower: Ladies, it seems so many women fall into the proverbial trap that promotes jealousy, distrust and competitiveness with other women for no reason other than blindly following the culture propagated by societal norms. Why do you think the two of you forged a bond of mutual respect early on?

Candace M: From day one, we each showed up complete and secure. We knew what we brought to the table as individuals and we realized that collectively the impact would be even better! We capitalize on our strengths.

HimPower: What are some ways in which you have supported each other?

Dr. Angela: One thing that we often focus on is the importance of cheering one another on and holding each other to the highest standard. We challenge one another and hold each other accountable. We know that we can do anything we set our minds to and we don’t let each other forget it. I often say, if I am having a challenging day, at least I didn’t have to birth three babies at once!

Candace M: It’s funny that Angela would say that because I tell people all the time that it isn’t easy having a best friend who has a doctorate and a best-selling book!

Women of Vision – L-R: Candace Morgan, Tanika Yancy, Elke Griffin, Dr. Artangela Henry, Kae Babineaux, Tonia Baker, Jacqueline Houser, Dr. Angela Anderson (Not pictured Dr. Tonya Dennis, Dr. Tyra Watts, Keana Allert, Shunta Williams)

Women of Vision – L-R: Candace Morgan, Tanika Yancy, Elke Griffin, Dr. Artangela Henry, Kae Babineaux, Tonia Baker, Jacqueline Houser, Dr. Angela Anderson (Not pictured Dr. Tonya Dennis, Dr. Tyra Watts, Keana Allert, Shunta Williams)

HimPower: You are both adept influencers and do so in different forums. Why did you decide a podcast was the right format for your message?

Candace M: We have a responsibility to tell our stories. Too often, we fail to understand one another because we simply do not speak up. Sis (we call each other Sis, hence the name of the show) and I have figured it out. We respect each other’s opinions and voices and we want to share that with other women through the podcast.

Dr. Angela: Exactly. We also recognize the value of having a platform where we can tell our stories in our voices. We feel very blessed to be able to control our narrative and encourage other women to do the same. We know that we are equally powerful when we listen and when we speak. Balance is key. The podcast is our way of reclaiming the narrative and proving that women can indeed collaborate.

Candace M: We have often discussed the value of our friendship and how fortunate we are to have it. We thought that having this podcast might inspire other women to form their own friendships and support circles.

Dr. Angela: Although Sis and I have one another, we have an entire tribe of women who stand with us and we stand with them. We have a group of women who are all successful in their respective industries. We meet monthly just to connect, support, and encourage one another. We call ourselves Women of Vision.

Candace M: The group was really created because we were all saying the same things. We wanted to connect to like-minded women who were just as committed to supporting one another as we were. We all recognized the beauty in being able to connect on a regular basis and recharge.

Dr. Angela: The ladies of Women of Vision were part of the inspiration behind Just Be Real Sis. We want to start a movement in the right direction. Together is better.

Just Be Real Sis Podcast

Just Be Real Sis Podcast

HimPower: What would you say is your mission for Just Be Real Sis?

Dr. Angela: Our mission is to have the meaningful conversations that are often heard in friend circles, or at the kitchen table, but rarely in public forums. We will use the podcast as a platform to allow other people to tell their truth. The ultimate goal of the show is to have conversations that create understanding and empower the listeners. In the first episode, we share personal stories of what it is like to be accomplished, but still have to prove ourselves on a daily basis. We discuss what it is like to be misjudged, underestimated and discounted, but we also discuss how we deal with these issues and come out of them in a positive way. The stories are real and told in a very transparent way.

HimPower: Why do you think Just Be Real Sis is particularly relevant now?

Dr. Angela: Candace and I speak with women across the country on a regular basis and we found common themes in some of the struggles that successful women were experiencing. I think that sometimes the concerns of this population may go unnoticed because it is generally believed that successful women are doing ok. Despite rising to certain levels of success, there are still many times when these women are relegated to any number of boxes that society attempts to put them in. Those boxes can be due to gender, ethnicity, geographic location, education and many other things.

HimPower: What key points do you want ladies to take away from Just Be Real Sis and the messages you will be sharing?

Dr. Angela: In our podcast, we’re highlighting the real stories of real people. It’s a place where we are bringing the conversations that are held in private, to the public. We are tackling issues that are sometimes hard to discuss, but with the mission of creating understanding and alignment. In all things, we value integrity and impact. We really want this podcast to build bridges and spark healing conversations.

HimPower: How is your format structured and how long is each podcast?

Dr. Angela: The format is conversational and we have invited guests. Each episode is 30-35 minutes (the length of the average commute). At the end of each show we provide actions items that the listeners can use right away to help them start similar conversations with the people they are connected to.

HimPower: We love the idea of action items that can create an impact for listeners. Are there any particular topics or themes you plan to focus on in the months ahead?

Dr. Angela: We plan to address a number of topics including the power of collaboration over competition among women, the value of collective impact, and how to have crucial conversations. We even have an episode where we had two professional men discuss their views on the concept of privilege in our country. It was a powerful conversation.

HimPower: Will attendees be able to join in real time or is the podcast only available to listen to after it is recorded? If recorded, how can listeners ask questions or give feedback?

Dr. Angela: The podcast is currently a recorded podcast, but future episodes will allow for call in questions. Listeners can currently submit their comments and questions to our email address which is Listeners can also message our Instagram page @justberealsis. When listeners submit their questions, we will answer them via social media or on future podcasts.

HimPower: How do you decide who will appear as guests?

Dr. Angela: The beautiful thing about this podcast is that we are giving a voice to everyday people. Most recently we had a community psychiatrist and a marketing executive. We want authentic stories from people who really want to use their stories to heal others.

HimPower: What are some specific outcomes you hope to accomplish?

Dr. Angela: Our goal is simple. We want people to realize that we are more alike than different. A number of our issues are held in common but never discussed. We cannot heal what we do not acknowledge. We will have non-judgmental, productive conversations that promote growth and connection.

HimPower: How can listeners expect the podcast to benefit them?

Dr. Angela: We want the listeners to move into action after listening. At the conclusion of each episode, we specifically give takeaways that the listeners can immediately use to create positive change in their lives.

HimPower: Is Just Be Real Sis for ladies only or are men welcome to tune in as well?

Dr. Angela: While the title is Just Be Real Sis, we have already invited a few men in as guests to tell their stories. We feel that it is important to present different points of view. If the goal is to create alignment and facilitate healthy conversations, we have to include everyone. So far, the formula has worked for us.

The Just Be Real Sis podcast is available at It is also available on Apple podcasts, Stitcher, iHeartradio, and Simplecast. Episodes can be accessed at any time, 24 hours a day. You can also subscribe to the podcast and receive notifications when new episodes are released.